Painting, Curating and Educating are my Livelihoods
Inheritance, acrylic on panel, 40″ x 30″, 2016
Jordan’s Story:
I wasn’t particularly good at drawing and painting through childhood, though I loved the activity, as many children do. My energies were focused elsewhere, mostly singing in the choir, making mixed tapes and reading romance and mystery novels. In high school all of that changed- I took a painting class and the messy world of representation and imagery opened up to me. I’ve been engaged with it ever since.
Because I can pinpoint my origin as an artist to a class, I have always felt a tie to art education. I moved into it slowly, first working in a variety of arts administration jobs and then teaching art to a range of ages and skill levels. Currently, I’m an art mentor in the highly gifted program at Lincoln Public Schools- I work individually with two elementary school students. It’s refreshing to develop creative projects collaboratively with young artists. I’m also a gallery director and instructor at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. I love introducing students to the behind-the-scenes view of running a gallery. It’s a team effort and requires creative problem solving from all involved.
Part of being a gallery director involves curating exhibitions, and I enjoy the creation of new meanings and connections through selection of artists and placement of artworks. I do this as a freelance curator as well, which takes me to other locations to produce exhibitions.
My current paintings focus on assortments of objects found in drawers. These paintings are made from photographs of the interiors of junk drawers belonging to family members and close friends. Painting the array of collected objects is an act of meditation on my relationship with the drawer owner, as I dwell on the mundane detail of their accumulated junk. However, the paintings stop short of functioning as a portrait of an individual through their amassed objects. Instead, the collections signify the material weight of modern life, the anxiety of commercialism, and the anonymity of personal effects.
My studio practice is the fuel for all of my other creative endeavors; each is an important facet of my livelihood.
Jordan Buschur received an M.F.A. from Brooklyn College, CUNY. Her work has been shown internationally, including exhibitions with Thierry Goldberg Gallery, New York, Tiger Strikes Asteroid, Brooklyn, Vox Populi, Philadelphia, and The Toledo Museum of Art. She was a teaching resident at the Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts and the Sheldon Museum of Art. Her artwork has been featured on The Jealous Curator, Anthology Magazine, and Fresh Paint Magazine. She has curated exhibitions at Cuchifritos Gallery, New York, and Spring/Break Art Show, New York. Buschur is the Director of the Eisentrager-Howard Gallery at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln and the Prescott Gallery.
To learn more about Jordan Buschur and her work go to her website at www.jordanbuschur.com. Showing now in the Fred Simon Gallery in the offices of the Nebraska Arts Council, 1004 Farnam, Omaha, with Byron Anway (Lincoln) 01/25/2016-03/04/2016.