A #Giving Tuesday Message From NCE Executive Director, Marian Fey
It’s been six months since I came to the Nebraska Cultural Endowment and I continue to be awed by the generosity of Nebraskans and their willingness to invest in the arts and humanities across the state. There is a basic understanding here that the grants and programs provided by Humanities Nebraska and the Nebraska Arts Council contribute to the overall well-being of communities, attract and retain young families, and provide a sense of character not always apparent in today’s world.
Some of those stakeholders have contributed to this weekly blog. Our little corner of the internet allows Nebraskans from a wide variety of backgrounds, positions, and environments to share the influence of a lifetime of arts and humanities on their livelihood. NCE bloggers recognize that they have been shaped by the experiences provided through arts and culture and whether in pastime or profession, they continue to nurture the development of those creative experiences both for themselves and others.
The mission of the Nebraska Cultural Endowment is to cultivate a legacy of stability, advocacy, and leadership for the arts and humanities in Nebraska. On this #GivingTuesday, I hope you will consider the ways your livelihood has been formed by Nebraska’s creative culture and join our company of advocates by supporting the NCE with a financial pledge so we may provide long-term sustainability to our partners, the Nebraska Arts Council and Humanities Nebraska.
Marian Fey
Executive Director
PS We would love to hear your livelihood story. Email us to learn how you can contribute to our blog.