
Choreography Is My Livelihood

Marian’s Story I see choreography in everyday life. Whether it’s cars moving to the side of the road to make way for an ambulance or someone holding open the door for the next customer at the convenience store, people know the steps and understand their role in the dance. I continue to be moved by the commitment we […]

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Drawing Is My Livelihood


Bruce’s Story Each of us has an itch that needs to be scratched. I may be presuming a lot here, but good hygiene aside, I believe we all have a need—an “itch”—of one sort or another that’s woven into the fabric of who we are. My “itch” happens to be drawing. For as long as I can remember, […]

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Seven Doctors Project Is My Livelihood

Steve’s Story Seven Doctors Project, which I formed in spring 2008 at the Nebraska Medical Center, was an experiment—of the non-scientific variety. I wanted to see what would happen if mid-career physicians who were encountering job dissatisfaction or burnout joined a writing workshop led by area writers. I also wanted to see what would happen if the physicians […]

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Creating a Course of Life Is My Livelihood


Russ’s Story “Livelihood” is a word I’ve heard all my life. I looked at the origin of the word and found livelihood is an alteration of Middle English – livelode, or “course of life.” How did my course of life end up in the arts? When thinking about this my mind goes to memory fragments from my very […]

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Music Is My Livelihood

Hector’s Story When I was sixteen I lived on a farm in Missouri in a densely-forested area. We grew up mostly without cable TV because the lines didn’t reach out as far as we lived. There were a few times when my mother got satellite (you know, the old school kind that looked like you were trying to […]

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Playwriting Is My Livelihood

Beau’s Story What are you going to do with all those voices in your head? If you’re lucky enough there’s just one: yours…but then in pops your mother reminding you to eat your vegetables. “Remember the Golden Rule,”quips your favorite elementary teacher. Then there’s that Lemonheads song you can’t stop humming…oh, and that movie quote that reminds […]

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All for the Match Campaign Update!

Culture, Humanities

Thanks to the generous gift of one million dollars from the John W. Carson Foundation, we are one third of the way to reaching our All for the Match campaign goal! This gift not only ensures a future livelihood for the arts and humanities in Nebraska, but also ensures Livi’s safety! Remember Livi, the charming, […]

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Co-creation Is My Livelihood


Ryan’s Story The first thing I ever wanted to be when I grew up was rich. In my family, there were two distinct sides—the haves and the have nots. My parents worked in public education, so you can guess which side we were on. It seemed to me that the haves—the oil executives, the software […]

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The Lessons of Art Are My Livelihood


Jody’s Story As a teenager I loved art and science. The pressure that art was not a career led me to believe science was the logical choice to pursue. So I left the arts behind and went off to college. Not long after, I ran into a different set of life’s pressures. When I was only twenty years […]

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Audio/Video Is My Livelihood


Nate’s Story When you think about what it means to make something, your mind usually drifts to the tangible items that are created every day: a bridge, an automobile, a painting. But my livelihood revolves around making things that are not tangible. Audio and video create an experience, a feeling, and hopefully a reaction. As a […]

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