
Natalie Hahn to Receive 2020 Sower Award

Nebraska Culture, Education, Government, History, Humanities, Statewide

Humanities Nebraska has named Natalie Hahn, Malaika Foundation founder and International United Nations Official as the 2020 Sower Award recipient.  The Sower award is presented annually to an individual who has made “a significant contribution to public understanding of the humanities of Nebraska.” Hahn, a long-time resident of Central City, is now a Lincoln resident […]

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Nebraska State Poet Matt Mason – Finding Creative Ways to Serve

Nebraska Access, Arts, Community Vitality, Education, Fine Arts, Government, Humanities, Statewide

When Matt Mason was named Nebraska State Poet in January 2019, he couldn’t have imagined how the landscape of that position would change in 2020. Mason, serving a five-year term, had been traveling and giving presentations, readings, and leading workshops and many other venues in rural and urban communities across the state prior to the […]

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Over $1.1M Awarded to Nebraska Organizations

Nebraska Access, Arts, Culture, Government, Humanities, Statewide

Five Nebraska organizations received CARES Act grants directly from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), and six Nebraska organizations received CARES Act grants directly from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA). These grants, totaling $1,107,206 were awarded separately and in addition to those recently awarded and announced by our partners, the Nebraska Arts […]

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Willa Cather’s Legacy Transformed a Community

Red Cloud, Nebraska Arts, Community Vitality, Culture, History, Humanities

If Willa Cather were to visit Red Cloud today, she would still feel right at home. Since the founding of Willa Cather Foundation in 1955, the community has embraced the legacy of the literary icon in ways that keep both her work and the community relevant and vibrant. Red Cloud has become home to the […]

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Humanities Nebraska and Nebraska Arts Council CARES Act Grants Announced

Nebraska Access, Arts, Community Vitality, Culture, Economic Development, Education, Government, Humanities, Statewide

Humanities Nebraska and Nebraska Arts Council have made distributions of CARES Act dollars to Nebraska nonprofit cultural organizations. Funding has been provided by the National Endowment for Humanities and National Endowment for the Arts as part of  the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act economic stabilization plan.  These grants will give financial relief […]

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Nebraska Youth Turn Global Citizens at Capitol Forum

Lincoln, Nebraska Access, Civic Engagement, Education, Government, Humanities, Statewide

Each Spring, high school students normally gather at the Nebraska State Capitol Building in Lincoln to participate in Capitol Forum, a Humanities Nebraska program sponsored by the Nebraska Cultural Endowment. Through this program, students are empowered to become involved in the democratic process, as well as examine a number of pertinent issues facing our country. Immigration, […]

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Humanities Impact Local Economies

Red Cloud, Nebraska Culture, Economic Development, Education, History, Humanities

Upon completion of the National Willa Cather Center, tourism spending in Webster County showed an increase of 12.5%. This equated to a total of $4.6 million dollars with both state and local tax revenue increases of 8.6%, for a total of $422,000. Tourism related jobs in Webster county total 48, and the staff at Willa […]

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Bob Nefsky Shows Passion for Sustaining Arts, Humanities

Nebraska Arts, Culture, Donor Story, Government, Humanities

“The Arts and Humanities are one of the principal things that reflect the era and generations in which we live,” said Bob Nefsky, a Lincoln attorney and a founder of the Nebraska Cultural Endowment. “The one thing that will survive us is the arts, culture, and humanities.” Bob first became involved with the arts and […]

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Locally and Statewide, Dudley Supports the Arts

Norfolk, Nebraska Arts, Culture, Donor Story, Humanities, Statewide

“I have seen first-hand the impact that the Nebraska Cultural Endowment has on our community,” said Michelle Dudley, resident of Norfolk, NE. “I have observed how funding from the NCE helps to strengthen and sustain our organization,” After serving on the board of the Nebraska Cultural Endowment for four years, Michelle appreciates the organization’s direct […]

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Touching Hearts, Minds and Lives Through Speakers

Nebraska Access, Culture, History, Humanities, Statewide

The Speakers Bureau is a Humanities Nebraska program that provides expert speakers and serves between 25,000 and 30,000 Nebraskans annually. Topics include Nebraska literature, music, storytelling and history. Hundreds of rural and geographically isolated libraries, museums, senior centers and schools, as well as other nonprofit organizations benefit from the program. Cherrie Beam-Callaway, one of the […]

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